Fage yogurt comes in different varieties. My favorite (for dieting) is the 0%, which provides a whopping 5.3 ounces of creamy delight for merely 80 calories (2 WW points if you eat the entire serving). Fage also comes in a 2% variety (make sure you purchase the one with the calories you desire), which you can buy packaged with small sides of fruit, or a point more. I think it also comes in a full-thickness variety, but I've never tried it, since I'm so satisfied with the lower fat versions. I usually stick with the 0%, though (instead of 2%), so I can control and measure exactly what else goes into my yogurt. I usually eat this for a very filling 2-3 WW point desert at the end of the day.
Some ideas of what to put into this yogurt include : honey, a spoonful of maple syrup, frozen fruit, fresh fruit, low calorie granola, chocolate chips, whipped cream, nuts, cinnamon, low calorie cookies, or anything else you love!
Where can you buy Fage Yogurt? You can buy it at Whole Foods or Trader Joes. Unfortunately, I've never seen it at the regular supermarket. Enjoy! I know you will.
Just wanted to add that in Upstate NY, this brand of yogurt can be purchased at Price Chopper....
hey! i had that for breakfast today!! haha. oh, by the way, where i live its at a regular supermarket.
Fage breakfast eater: What do you usually put into your Fage Yogurt?
K- Thanks for the info about Fage being available at Price Chopper in New York!!
For those of us on WW. Fage is definately 2 points-there is no fiber.
I like to add splenda and vanilla extract or cinnamon.
It works great a dressing mixed in with spices.
I live in UPstate NY too and Hannaford also carries it.
Thanks Dawn! Very helpful!
i LOVE it in place of sour cream
I add a drizzle of honey or agave nectar to it, and then sprinkle the top with some Kashi Go Lean crunch. It's my 10:00am snack.
I love this type of yogurt!
Great blog! I am from Greece and here fage yogurts are a staple since they are Greek. I used to love the 0% one before i went vegan!
I mix a little Splenda in it and use it for a whipped topping on fruit or other desserts. I also use it as sour cream and add spices for a great veggie dip
I use Fage sweetened with Blue Agave Sweetener drizzled on top and then a handful of Trader Joe's Cranberry Almond Clusters cereal. My husband turned up his nose when he first saw me eating it, but now wants it for dessert. It makes a very filling breakfast though!
Love it dolloped on top of soup and vegetarian chilli in place of sour cream. This stuff is great!
Sounds delicious!
I add Barleans Omega Swirl. It sweet with no sugar. So It's an awesome alternative to sweetened yogurts.
Fat-Free Fage is a staple dessert at our house. We eat it with a little agave syrup or with agave and small amount of chopped walnuts, or frozen raspberries.
We also use it as a sour cream substitute. The only drawback is the expense, which is huge. If we can't get it at Trader Joe's, we don't buy it. We've also gotten used to a 4 ounce dessert portion, which is actually very satisfying.
You could put jam in the 0% ... but I think the 0% is really, really sour. I like the 2% and I mix in my own honey, fruit, or cereal.
I love this stuff, but never eat it plain. I add honey when I use it as a yogurt with fruit and granola. Or even better....use it on a baked potatoe instead of sour cream. We LIVE on this in my house. Or I use in any recipe that calls for yogurt...banana bread, etc.
This yogurt is amazingly creamy, and with just a bit of a sweetener, it's a luscious dessert-like treat with over 10 grams of protein...AMAZING.
It's just kind of expensive. I found it at Albertons for 1.99 for each container :(
I LOVE IT!! Found it at A&P!!
I discovered this yogurt while sailing in Greece. The cook would get up early in the morns, go into town and bring back a large container of Fage yogurt. She filled a bowl with yogurt, covered it with raspberries, strawberries and chopped walnuts, then drizzled dark Greek rosemary honey (brand Ataki) over the berries and nuts. After that trip, I have been eating a bowl of it every morn, heaven.
Very yummy with bacon bits and chopped chives for a non-sweet experience.
I buy 0% plain Chobani Greek yogurt which is available at Shop Rite and Stop & Shop in NJ (and Stop & Shop in RI). I mix in whatever fresh fruit I have and a little bit of Bear Naked Fit granola. I don't add any sweetener and it is delicious! Now my 5 year-old daughter eats it as a snack after school.
Thanks very much for the heads up on Fage Yogurt. I am a diabetic and yogurt helps sooth my "angry" stomach. Other yogurts are loaded with sugars and that just creates more issues for me. So heartfelt thanks for the tip! Trader Joes, here I come!
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