About Me
Hello! My name is Juliet, and I live in Northern California. I'm 30 years old and I am very careful about choosing what I eat. I'm well aware of the fact that there are tons of diet foods that people are talking about on the Internet. The problem is: (1) a lot of the food finds are really bad for you when they don't have to be (there are plenty of smart & yummy options out there that don't contain high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols) and (2) the foods people suggest can be very difficult to find in your local area.
About Yummy Diet Food
I decided to create Yummy Diet Food, a place where dieters and calorie conscious people can discover smarter, "better-for-you", low calorie food options for their busy lifestyles or diets without compromising on taste, sweets, or yummy food enjoyment. I use the weight watchers point system to maintain my weight, so I'll note the weight watchers points for each of the foods I recommend.
To be totally clear, none of the foods recommended here are substitutes for fruits and vegetables, but they are better choices than most packaged foods. Some of my suggestions will be more nutritional than others so I created the healthy diet food label for the healthiest options.
Additionally, when I post here, I'll always tell you where I buy what I'm talking about. But, I think it would be even better if the readers of this blog could put other places they find these items in the comments. That will help everyone who reads the blog.
By the way - I don't eat a lot of meat, so this is a vegetarian friendly blog.
Thank you! I look forward to posting many more great diet finds on this blog. I have so many to post, I'm quite excited! Feel free to email me feedback and suggestions at juliet@yummydietfood.com.
Yummy Diet Food Disclaimer
I'm not affiliated with any of the products I review or write about. As such, any caloric information is to the best of my knowledge correct on that day (usually taken right from the packaging or the company's web site). Companies change recipes and caloric information at times, so always double check the current calories before you eat any of the foods featured here.
Hi Juliet!
Your blog looks great! I'm excited to peruse it. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad you did because now I know you're out there!
Hey Juliet - thanks for the comment on my blog! Your blog is fabulous and I will definitely be checking back soon!
Hi Juliet. I just went over each single post of your blog and write down all the yummies that I will try and where I'll find them. Actually I made two lists, one for TJ's, one for WF.
Thanks for sharing with us. I'll review them on my blog later on!
hi there, I recently found your blog and added you to my google reader. I think your blog is great, and I love all the product recommendations!
So happy I came across your blog. Hope you don't mind me adding you to my blogroll? I just have to keep checking back to see what you're up to.
I enjoy posting what I believe to be healthy meals on my blog. But since I LOVE to bake UNHEALTHY stuff, there's a lot of that as well. Please check it out.
Great blog; I enjoy reading your posts each week about new products...quick question...what are your thoughts on the Vitatops/VitaBrownies? I would like your input and thoughts on these products as I truly value your opinion.
Keep up the great blogging work.
All the Best,
"The Healthy Apple"
Hi! Great blog..I'm very new to the food blogging world and I happened to stumble over to your page and I'm glad I did. This is such a great compilation of healthy food ideas. As a college student, I can really appreciate the reviews of prepackaged snacks!
Hi! I really like the website and think that all of your tips are amazing. The one thing that i was wondering though was if these tips really work. Is there a picture of you to show us, the readers, the living proof?
Hi Juliet! Great blog/recommendations! However, how about calling it "Yummy, Low Calorie HEALTHY (instead of "Diet") Food"? A diet implies a short-term plan; "healthy" implies a lifestyle!
Just a suggestion...keep up the great work!
hi! i just recently stumbled across your blog, and i'm in love! i am really calorie-conscious myself, because as soon as i hit 21, i realized that i should start watching what i eat before my metabolism starts slowing down. i work out everyday and opt for healthier options. but i noticed that you haven't blogged in a few months...do u have a new blog or are you just on a hiatus? let us knoww~ :)
Hi Juliet,
I'm Julie, the editor of "Mamapedia Voices", and we feature guest bloggers on Mamapedia, a site for Moms all across the country. I've just found your blog, and would like to invite you write a piece which could be featured on our site.
Though Mamapedia Voices has just started out, it is already receiving a lot of attention, both on our site, on our guest bloggers' sites, and beyond. We promote our featured guest bloggers through emails, Twitter, Facebook and more. It's a wonderful opportunity to grow your audience!
If you would like to participate, please take a look at Mamapedia Voices. Next, sign up here http://bit.ly/BloggerSignUp to be on the blogger roster, and then you will be able to see the complete (and easy) instructions for submitting a piece for consideration.
Also, because we like your blog, please download a recognition badge from us- there are many fun designs to choose from here: http://www.mamapedia.com/voices/blogger_badge
If you have our badge on your blog, you'll be entered into a drawing to win $100 for your favorite women's, children's or family charity! And you'll be listed on our blog roll.
Thank you, and I look forward to reading more of your work!
Best wishes,
Julie D'Agostino
Editor, Mamapedia Voices
Thank you so much!! I am always counting calories and looking out for healthy foods and this was extremely helpful.
Keep up the good work.
I Googled "low calorie diet foods" and the first site to pop up was yours. I have been reading through it for the past hour and really appreciate the effort you put forth. Your blog is excellent, interesting and informative. Thanks :)
I'm from Norcal too! I love your blog and now I'm going to read every review because these are foods I know I can buy here!
hi juliet
im tammy and this is my first time on ur site and I LOVE IT!!!! thank u for all the great info!!!
Awesome blog - thank you for compiling all these foods!
Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I love yours! I'm so excited to read more :)
Hey I just wanted to say I love reading your blog! Thank you for all the time you put into your product reviews and recipes. I've definitely found some great new meal ideas! :)
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