I discovered Amazing Grass Green SuperFood powder at Whole Foods a year or so ago when they were giving it out in little cups as a free sample. More specifically, the sample was a mixture of green superfood powder with some apple juice, which I thought was a pretty decent combination tastewise.
The low down on all-organic green superfood is that one serving has the antioxidant equivalent to seven servings of fruits and vegetables. Inside of each serving is a blend of four powders: (1) Green Foods (things like grass, alfalfa, spinach), (2) Antioxidants (acai, carrot, beet, green tea), (3) Fiber (flax seed powder, apple pectin fiber), and (4) Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics (acidophilus
I buy single serving packets of Green Superfood and I keep the packets in my desk at work. Each serving is 30 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 2 grams of fiber (so 0 weight watchers points). I think it tastes pretty good but I'm open to grassy tasting foods. I can say (if it helps you judge) that in comparison to wheat grass, this stuff is really good.
aja..... that's really a SuperFood. Do you really feel it makes a difference? I could never notice any supplement that I took on my body.
hmmm this sound interesting. I'm not sure if I could stand the taste....I will have to look for a free sample somewhere ;) Happy Friday!
hmm, hadn't seen that one before...
I saw it at Whole Foods too - I'd rather just eat my greens ;-)
interesting, i think im going to have to check this green stuff out!
i buy the packets of these, too. they don't taste half bad at all. i usually put mine in smoothies. i love the chocolate one.
i honestly never though of putting it in water! that's a great idea.
It definately sounds super!
Ooh I like the chocolate packets.
Haha ANYthing tastes good compared to wheatgrass!!!
Wow...7 foods?! Sounds like something that would be great when you want to get your fruits and veggies in but have an empty fridge! :)
The chocolated flavored one is pretty good!
This product sounds great for people and I can imagine by the sounds of it will be very useful to many in our society who could use that extra boost of nutrition.
These products are coming out more and more because of their great and undeniable effects. Thanks for introducing this one.
I guess you can detox with this Green Super Food for several days, taking it, organic IMAGINE Buttnernut Squash (cream) or Tomato (cream) soup, and V8. Several days of just those three things and you will detox your body and lose weight safely and quickly. I start tomorrow. Got this advice from a chiropractor.
Flax, one of the ingredients in this product, interferes with the absorption of vitamins and antioxidants. Flax should be taken away from nutrients and antioxidants.
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