Then, after months of not being able to find my chocolates, I came across a sample station at Whole Foods last weekend that consisted of a plate full of individually wrapped dark chocolates. They were wrapped in red wrap (instead of shiny purple wrap like before) so I didn't recognize them at first. But, once I opened one up, I was delighted to find my precious flat dark chocolate inside. The chocolate hadn't changed at all, but the wrapping and packaging was totally different! I'm so happy to have my chocolates back!
These "little dark chocolates" are officially "Belgian Chocolate Little Bites (Petites Bouchees)", made by Whole Foods. As I mentioned above, each one is 26 calories, and two of them are only 1 weight watchers point. I find them to be really satisfying when I'm having a chocolate craving (which happens about once a day).
Question for you -- Have you ever had one of your favorite foods disappear from the supermarket? If so, what was it?
I need to try this Belgian chocolate! dark chocolate is my fav! :)
This chocolate looks delicious!! My favorite oatmeal disappeared! Smart Balance Instant Oats!! They tasted amazing but got discontinued!
My dad loves those!!
yum! i know that i've had similar experiences but i can't remember which products.
Okay, so it's not exactly healthy, but I used to use fat free "I can't believe it's not butter". I was able to bake with it and use it for everything that butter would be used for. And it's goneeeeee. :( I don't know what happened.
Also, YEARS back when I was like 10 years old, Pepperidge Farm discontinued my chocolate goldfish crackers. I was SOOO upset, I wrote them a letter. They actually did write me back and explained the reason. But that didn't make me feel better and I still boycotted them out of spite. lmao More than 10 years later, they've returned! I am so happy. LOL
Glenny's Soy Crisps:( Whole foods carried them at such a great price, much lower than the Glenny's product website. Also Pilsbury used to me Sugar-Free cookie dough.. discont.
Oh my, I need to find that chocolate!!!
I feel so bummed when something I love is discontinued or becomes "hard to find"! That has happened with Western Alternative Bagels. I used to be able to get them in my local Giant, but no longer! They were great and only 1 POINT, too:(
Yes!! Trader Joe's stopped carrying my favorite cous cous. It was so yummy with raisins, peas and pine nuts. But now, it is nowhere to be found. :-(
TJ's discontinued these awesome cinnamon-bran scones. Four points, a great portable breakfast, and delicious when warmed. Sigh.
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