I first learned about Dagoba organic brand chocolate when a lavender-flavored Dagoba chocolate bar was given out as a favor at a birthday party I attended. The lavender-flavored chocolate bar was totally delicious (I savored it), although since it was the size of a regular candy bar, I avoided buying any additional ones. However, I often saw Dagoba bars in the chocolate aisle at Whole Foods, where I wishfully examined all the interesting and yummy sounding flavors (like lime, mint, and mon cherri) that Dagoba makes (without actually buying them).
Then, on one lucky day, I happened to see a small Dagoba chocolate bar over by the checkout counter called a Dagoba tasting square (note: it was not with the Dagoba bars in the chocolate aisle). The one I bought (and have continued to buy) is called "Pacuare" and has 68% cocoa content, combined with sugar, cocoa butter, and soy lecithin (and is gluten-free). Although the Dagoba Tasting Square does not have calorie information, the bar is labeled as being 9g (~50% bigger than the Trader Joes chocolate wedge). And, the tasting chocolate bar is totally delicious, just as I would have expected based on the other Dagoba chocolates I had eaten.
I have yet to find the Dagoba Tasting Square calorie information elsewhere on the Internet, but I've done my own *estimation*. Based on the calorie statsitics from their other 59% cocoa bars (so this estimate *should* be on the conservative side), I estimate that the 9g Dagoba Tasting Sqaure has approximately 50 calories, 2.8g of fat, and .96g of fiber -- making it one weight watchers point, and certainly something reasonable to add to your daily routine if you love dark chocolate. Remember, I can't guarantee this calculation, but it should be a legitimate estimate.
Dagoba organic dark chocolate tasting squares come in a few different varieties, based on where the cocoa beans come from (Costa Rica, Madagascar, Ecuador, and Peru). The "Pacuare" flavor that I absolutely love is the one from Costa Rica.
I don't remember seeing this at Whole Foods, but now I will keep my eye open next time I go! (which is only a few times a year, due to it's location *sniffles*) You can imagine the big bill I get every time I shop there. hehe How does it compare in taste to Trader Joe's?
That's a bummer that WF is so far away. As for comparison, the Dagoba tasting square is a big bigger, a bit thinner, and tastes more exotic. Both chocolates are delicious, although I have a small preference for Dagoba (although it is a lot more expensive, making it a very special treat).I hope you find them on your next trip! :) - Juliet
I went to Whole Foods yesterday! I looked everywhere for this brand of chocolate but I didn't see it anywhere. That was a bummer, but I did see a lot of other products you mentioned. I ended up accidentally going to Trader Joe's too since it was nearby ("accidentally" meaning I made a wrong turn and ended up there LOL) So I got me some chocolate wedges and 100 calorie bars to try. :)
The chocolate wedges are a great substitute! Let me know how the 100 calorie bars are. :)
Wow.. I almost died today. Passing through my usual route to the breakroom at work (through the natural foods section), I happened to glance on the shelf near the organic fruit bars and protein bars, and what should I see? THIS chocolate bar! lol I was so tempted to buy it, but they only had the large ones, and knowing me if I bought it I would end up eating the whole thing in one sitting, which would NOT be good. The price also made it an easier decision to pass up - $3.89 *cringes* But at least I know you're not trippin' that they DO exist. lmao :P
Emily - Do you work at a grocery store? That's very convenient! :) As for Dagoba, yes, the big bars are delicious, and very difficult to put down. My favorite is the lavender flavor (it is in a purple wrapper), but pretend I didn't mention that.
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