The flavor I bought is called raspberry and vanilla. Basically, each bar has a raspberry sorbet shell on the outside with creamy vanilla yogurt (including healthy active yogurt cultures) on the inside. Given the yogurt fruit combination, these bars are definitely a good idea if you are craving fruity ice cream but are in the mood for something a bit creamier than a sorbet.
What is great about Haagen Dazs is that they are committed to creating foods with pure and fine ingredients; in this case, these bars are entirely natural. In the calorie department, each bar is 100 calories (71g -- so pretty big), with 0 grams of fat, and 2 grams of fiber (so 2 weigh watchers points). Even though I bought my most recent box at Whole Foods, I'm pretty sure they are available at other stores like Safeway.
I actually just ate one for dessert. :) It was delicious.
PS -- Stay tuned for a yummy food giveaway tomorrow!
I've never seen this before! I'll need to check it out since they do so many goodies! :D thanks for letting us know!
This sounds delicious! Is it sugar free too?
I'm dying to see these in the stores. Thanks for the review.
I need to track these down stat!
I want this! I need this! And my store probably doesn't sell it. Boo.
Oh yum!!!
Can't wait for your yummy food giveaway!
And they look pretty!
Mmm. Now I want summer to come so that I can properly enjoy some of that!
omg - i LOVE these. They have stopped carrying them in my grocery store OR they are always out because i never see them any more...and always look.
My hubby loves those but unfortunately all the supermarkets in our area stopped carrying them, even Fresh Direct stopped carrying them as well..was thinking that maybe they stopped production on them.not sure..I am a Vegan so I cant eat them anyway, too bad they dont make a non dairy version ..
They stopped making them and they are no longer on the HD website. :(
They had been my guilty pleasure for years. Low calorie too, although they do have corn syrup in them.
There are many people that really liked these bars. If you did, go to the Haagen-Dazs website and leave a quick email choosing "bring back my favorite flavor" from the drop down menu! http://www.haagen-dazs.com/company/contact.aspx
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