In case you aren't familiar, egg beaters are little cartons of real uncooked egg whites, not egg substitute. Some versions are pre-combined with vegetables. Since it is all egg white, the protein content is high and the calories are very low -- 30 calories, 0 grams of fat, and 6 grams of protein for a quarter of a cup (61 gram) serving. So, one serving is 0 weight watchers points, and 2 servings (which is enough to cook up a huge omelet) is 1 weight watchers point. I actually weigh the egg beater liquid on my food scale to calculate the exact calories.
On top of being protein friendly, egg beaters are also packed with vitamins and minerals, like Vitamin A, Iron, Folate, Riboflavin, and Vitamin B12.
I like using egg beaters instead of eggs in various recipes. They also cook up great with jalapeno jack fat free cheese, low fat sour cream, and promise light buttery spread (as well as your favorite vegetables -- mine are tomatoes, onions, and green onions) into a delicious omelet. I like eating an omelet with a low calorie english muffin on the weekend for a great low calorie breakfast.
So, curious what do you guys think? Love them or hate them? If you've never tried them, you can find them at your local grocery store, like Safeway.
I like them in recipes, but they just don't do it for me as scrambled eggs. Plus, I think it's fairly easy to work eggs into my diet and I love them.
Hey! I'm not a huge fan of them. They are ok. I buy the whites only product in a container if I decide to go that route. Pierogies aren't TERRIBLE for you but they're not fantastic. You can see the nutritional info here:http://www.pierogy.com/retail/nutritionInfo.asp#
I use them for anything I would use eggs, recipes, egg dishes, etc. They're great.
I like the plain one, but the SouthWest and such - you're better off adding your own spices.
In the interest of full disclosure, I'm 21 and have a cholesterol level of 168, so that particular stat isn't really a concern to me right now, but what IS a total boon is the calorie count on Egg Beaters. I mean, 30 per serving v. 70 for an egg is just fabulous.
Also, you know what that leaves room for? CHEESE. Oh, beloved cheese. I'm still dying to try that Lifetime Fat Free cheese, but I'm a little bit scared. Every time I see an unbelievably low-cal food, I hesitate because I don't want to fall victim to one of those misreporting fiascoes that leaves us all wishing we hadn't eaten something in the first place (Nana's cookies, case & point). Lol.
I always use them. My husband doesn't like them but will eat the cartoned "Egg Whites". A trainer told me one time that there are more nutrients added in the EggBeaters than the Egg Whites?
So.. love 'em!
I will use Egg Beater in recipes, like for coating eggplant for eggplant parm and such. For that, I think they're great. I don't eat them on their own though, I prefer to eat whole eggs.
I don't like egg beaters. Haven't actually tried them, to be honest, but I've seen the ingredients list and wasn't too impressed. However, I DO love Simply Egg Whites- the only ingredient is egg whites. They are awesome (right next to the Egg Beaters at Safeway). And that way you can add all your own sauces/spices etc.
I have only eaten egg beaters for so long I FORGET what real eggs tasted like. LOL Until this morning. I had 2 real eggs, fresh from a farm that a lady at work owns. Most natural in every way! They're thicker than store-bought and taste slightly different too. Then again, I don't really remember the taste anyways. lol But eggbeaters is still my #1 source for eggy things, but a real egg once or twice a year won't kill me. lol
I dont mind egg beaters, but I tend to buy the liquid egg whites instead.
My dad ate these all the time growing up. I've acutally never tried them other than what Mom snuck into our cooking...hmm...it's an idea!
I eat them almost every morning, and cook them in the microwave. All you have to do is spray a small microwavable container with cooking spray, pour in 1/2 C egg beaters (You can add veggies too but it takes longer) loosely top it with the lid, and microwave for 80 seconds. Works like a champ every time, and sooo fast!
I really love them! I even ask for them when I am out to eat!
Just as a point to note: According to my online weight watchers tracker, you can have up to 1/2 cup for still just one point! Yum and HUUUUUGE!!
Hmmm.... I don't use egg beaters. I just like the natural thing more.
i feel like i'd rather eat real eggs because they are pure and haven't been processed. i mean, egg-beaters are low calorie, but there's so much nutrition in the egg yolk. the yolk has a lot of essential fatty acids and much more protein than the egg white. however, one egg has about 212 mg of cholesterol. i guess it just depends what you're willing to give up when you eat an egg.
I like them sometimes for their convenience definitely, but there is also something to be said about the satisfaction of cracking a fresh egg and separating the white out yourself...at least for me!
I used to eat them a lot.. but then I switched back to real eggs because:
- I can buy free range organic
- I don't have a cholesterol problem
- I personally think yolks are healthy with Omega 3s and iron
- The yolks are satisyfing and keep me fuller longer
- 40 extra cals per serving isn't much
I lost 25 pounds just eating them mixed with mushrooms and tomatos as my breakfast
Total agreement with saying no to the Southwest flavored kind, but the plain one is really good, especially if you add a little bit of butter/ spread to the pan when you cook them.
But... if the slightly softer texture is hard to adjust to, try mixing one real egg and 1/4 c. of E.B. for a 100-cal 2-egg serving. I can almost guarantee you wont be able to tell the difference. Then, once you're ready, switch to all E.B. Hope this helps!
nice article about egg white...very informative and beneficial for me
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