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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Warm Cinnamon Apples

low calorie baked cinnamon applesA while ago I wrote about the many health benefits of apples. Basically, apples are a great source of fiber in the form of pectin, as well as a great source of antioxidants. The fiber encourages good digestive heath. Apples are also believed to help lower your bad cholesterol, detoxify the body, reduce the risk of cancer and infections, improve our skin and slow down our aging (my favorite benefit!) by lessening the effects of stress, diabetes, and heart disease, and help prevent hair loss.

It is is important to buy apples that are organic, unbruised & firm-skinned (as well as to avoid ones that were picked before they were ripe, which means they haven't developed as much nutritional value).

The one and only issue with apples from my point of view has always been that they've never really filled me up when I've eaten them as a snack (despite all the water and fiber they have in them). A friend of mine suggested that I try cooking them in the microwave, which sounded intriguing. So, I sliced up an apple into many thin slices, put them into a bowl, sprinkled some cinnamon over them, and then put the mixture in the microwave for 45 seconds. After it came out I added a dollop of low calorie whipped topping (sometimes I cook it with the whipped topping as well depending on my mood).

What resulted from cooking the apple with cinnamon was a dessert/snack that tastes just like apple pie. I'm not kidding! It is delicious (way more than I expected) as well as super filling, so I've started eating it for dessert instead of low calorie ice cream. I've played around with adding sugar, brown sugar, and some low calorie butter, although I like it best just with the apple, cinnamon, and whipped cream.



Anonymous said...

I love warm apples with cinnamon. Glad there are so many benefits!

I answered your early morning workout question on my blog. I know you can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

That sounds healthy, tasty, and dessert-like. (And sometimes a person's just gotta have dessert!) I will have to give it a try.

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Mmm, mmm, mmm!!!

Renee Guest said...

soooooooooooo yummy!

That Girl said...

I love warm apples!

The Blonde Duck said...

This sounds soooo good! I've been dying for some apple pie lately! This would be a good subsitute.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, I haven't made one of those in ages. In addition to what you stated you put in it, I also add about 1 sheet of low fat honey graham crackers, all crushed up, and sprinkle it on top.

Anonymous said...

My favorite fruit. But I had the same problem as you with them not filling me up. I decided one day to chop one up and mix it with about 4 - 5 oz of plain yogurt. That did the trick! It's one of the ways I enjoy my yogurt now and stay full for a few hours.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe that apples don't fill you up! Love them. So tasty. And cinnamon makes them that much better.

Anonymous said...

Love the creative idea. I'm going to have to try that out.

Joie de vivre said...

Yum, yum, yum

Anonymous said...

Sounds amazing! I wonder how melty peanut butter would be on it? I know it would add a lot of calories and fat, but it would taste even better!

Anonymous said...

add a package of splenda to sweeten it up and still keep it very low calorie ... it's not quite apple pie but still amazing

Anonymous said...

i found this on here and tried it today - i've been trying to find a way to add cinnamon to my diet anyway (it's supposed to help control blood sugar spikes or something) and i've tried taking it in pill form but then i burp cinnamon for hours!! this was pretty good although i think that i microwaved it for too long (a minute) - i would have liked more crunch...and i'm jealous of your whipped topping...when i measured out my 2 tsps it seemed so little, it melted & got lost in the apples too fast for me!

southbound_treasure said...

this recipe is awesome, but not to sound rude or anything...why bother buying organic if you're going to nuke the nutrition out in the microwave anyway?

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